Game Statistics

Race Breakdown

Races Pie Chart

There are currently 2795 created characters for Chalacyn Nights MUD.

The following is a racial breakdown of those characters.

Dwarf 143
Elf 183
Half-elf 104
Tyrling 597
Human 406
Tigris 158
Brahman 443
Mara 142
Half-tigris 48
Wivere 90
Aerial 246
Shikari 114
Umbral 121

Affiliation Breakdown

Affiliation Pie Chart

There are currently 2795 created characters for Chalacyn Nights MUD.

The following is an affiliation breakdown of those characters.

Belantian 539
Empyrean 465
Telerean 685
True Neutral 835
Vrace Neutral 271

Level Breakdown

Level Pie Chart

There are currently 2795 created characters for Chalacyn Nights MUD.

The following is a level breakdown of those characters.

1-4 1454
5-9 489
10-14 332
15-19 149
20-24 205
25-29 71
30+ 95

Gender Breakdown

Gender Pie Chart

There are currently 2795 created characters for Chalacyn Nights MUD.

The following is a gender breakdown of those characters.

Male 2107
Female 688

Last Updated: Tue Mar 11 04:01:08 2025