Fighter: 464

Top 20

# Name Title Affiliation
1 Emmi Master of Arms Belant
2 Sunroc Conqueror Belant
3 Quicksilver Conqueror Belant
4 Iam Conqueror Telere
5 Bash Conqueror Telere
6 Salvarak Conqueror Empyrea
7 Heero Conqueror Empyrea
8 Ajax Conqueror Telere
9 Coldsmoke Conqueror Telere
10 Ace Conqueror Telere
11 Utterup Conqueror Telere
12 Zed Cavalier Empyrea
13 Drdoom Conqueror Belant
14 Vashanka Conqueror Telere
15 Slayum Conqueror Belant
16 Rage Conqueror Telere
17 Gundahar Conqueror Belant
18 Snowflake Conqueror Belant
19 Atom Conqueror Empyrea
20 Elmo Conqueror Belant

Level Breakdown

Fighter Levels Pie Chart

There are currently 464 Fighter characters for Chalacyn Nights MUD.

The following is a level breakdown of those Fighters.

1-4 258
5-9 80
10-14 38
15-19 25
20-24 22
25-29 18
30+ 23

Affiliation Breakdown

Fighter Affiliation Pie Chart

There are currently 464 Fighter characters for Chalacyn Nights MUD.

The following is an affiliation breakdown of those Fighters.

Belantian 173
Empyrean 78
Telerean 132
True Neutral 41
Vrace Neutral 40

Race Breakdown

Fighter Races Pie Chart

There are currently 464 Fighter characters for Chalacyn Nights MUD.

The following is a racial breakdown of those Fighters.

Dwarf 49
Elf 13
Half-elf 2
Tyrling 58
Human 77
Tigris 15
Brahman 159
Mara 15
Half-tigris 6
Wivere 10
Aerial 4
Shikari 1
Umbral 55

Last Updated: Wed Mar 12 04:01:07 2025