Mage: 296

Top 20

# Name Title Affiliation
1 Sear Master of Sages Empyrea
2 Alpha Archmage Empyrea
3 Atomic Archmage Empyrea
4 Edlyn Archmage Empyrea
5 Xeno Archmage Empyrea
6 Pug Archmage Empyrea
7 Mordenkaim Archmage Empyrea
8 Agni Archmage Empyrea
9 Slivaris Spellbinder Empyrea
10 Rowen Spellbinder Empyrea
11 Zantor Spellbinder Empyrea
12 Persephone Spellbinder Empyrea
13 Dor Spellbinder Empyrea
14 Abbalah Spellbinder Empyrea
15 Isaiah Spellbinder Empyrea
16 Alloy Spellbinder Empyrea
17 Crusader Spellbinder Empyrea
18 Rei Spellbinder Empyrea
19 Tao Spellbinder Empyrea
20 Hush Magus Empyrea

Level Breakdown

Mage Levels Pie Chart

There are currently 296 Mage characters for Chalacyn Nights MUD.

The following is a level breakdown of those Mages.

1-4 173
5-9 55
10-14 30
15-19 19
20-24 9
25-29 3
30+ 7

Affiliation Breakdown

Mage Affiliation Pie Chart

There are currently 296 Mage characters for Chalacyn Nights MUD.

The following is an affiliation breakdown of those Mages.

Empyrean 296

Race Breakdown

Mage Races Pie Chart

There are currently 296 Mage characters for Chalacyn Nights MUD.

The following is a racial breakdown of those Mages.

Dwarf 1
Elf 53
Half-elf 8
Tyrling 62
Human 82
Tigris 4
Brahman 4
Mara 34
Half-tigris 1
Wivere 25
Aerial 11
Umbral 11

Last Updated: Wed Mar 12 04:01:07 2025