Psionicist: 240

Top 20

# Name Title Affiliation
1 Asphyxiation Master of the Order Telere
2 Aiya Counciliar Telere
3 Ruin Counciliar Telere
4 Yves Counciliar Telere
5 Sunstorm Counciliar Telere
6 Narco Counciliar Telere
7 Psyche Counciliar Telere
8 Seva Counciliar Telere
9 Root Counciliar Telere
10 Dragoneye Counciliar Telere
11 Veliik Neuromancer Telere
12 Hercules Counciliar Telere
13 Potionman Counciliar Telere
14 Renu Neuromancer Telere
15 Khoma Neuromancer Telere
16 Blushmar Neuromancer Telere
17 Mustiado Neuromancer Telere
18 Dahlia Neuromancer Telere
19 Betraleth Neuromancer Telere
20 Raeshir Neuromancer Telere

Level Breakdown

Psionicist Levels Pie Chart

There are currently 240 Psionicist characters for Chalacyn Nights MUD.

The following is a level breakdown of those Psionicists.

1-4 139
5-9 42
10-14 25
15-19 7
20-24 10
25-29 9
30+ 8

Affiliation Breakdown

Psionicist Affiliation Pie Chart

There are currently 240 Psionicist characters for Chalacyn Nights MUD.

The following is an affiliation breakdown of those Psionicists.

Telerean 240

Race Breakdown

Psionicist Races Pie Chart

There are currently 240 Psionicist characters for Chalacyn Nights MUD.

The following is a racial breakdown of those Psionicists.

Dwarf 37
Elf 16
Half-elf 5
Tyrling 29
Human 35
Tigris 27
Brahman 12
Mara 39
Wivere 23
Aerial 6
Umbral 11

Last Updated: Wed Mar 12 04:01:07 2025